The Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) is a newly established National Department proclaimed by the President of the Republic of South Africa on 23 August 2010.
Subsequent to the Proclamation of the OCJ as a National Department, the Minister for Public Service and Administration made a determination regarding the purpose
and objectives of the OCJ as follows:-
- To ensure that the Chief Justice can properly execute his mandate as both the head of the Constitutional Court and the head of the Judiciary;
- To enhance the institutional, administrative and financial independence of the OCJ; and
- To improve organisational governance and accountability, and the effective and efficient use of resources.
A single, transformed and independent Judicial system that guarantees access to justice for all.
To provide support to the Judicial system to ensure effective and efficient court administration services.
In ensuring accountability to the Judicial branch of government and the people of South Africa; and to foster public confidence in the Judicial branch of government and the rule of law; the Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ) will uphold the following values:
- Respect and protection of the Constitution
- Honesty and integrity
- Openness and transparency
- Professional ethics