Training commenced with a 5 day orientation of new Judges on 16th January 2012. A total of 35 Judges and 21 Facilitators mainly from the Supreme Court of Appeal were in attendance. On 27th January 2012, a total of 51 Regional Court Magistrates attended a Civil Enlistment course. The main objective of the training is to enable the Regional Court Magistrates to adjudicate civil matters. Another ground breaking training intervention was that of the aspiring Judicial Officers. Delegates are invited to apply and selection is done by a Committee comprising of the Senior Judges. A total of 31 delegates attended the Basic Aspirant Judges seminar from 9th to 11th July 2012.
The Facilitators are drawn from experienced members of the Judiciary and experts where necessary.
The following workshops and seminars were conducted during the 2012/13 financial year:
- New Companies Act
- Social Context
- Judgement Writing
- Continuing Judicial Education (Trade Marks, Evictions, Constitutional Adjudication and National Credit Act)
- Orientation of New Judges
- Advanced Computer Literacy and Research
- Sexual Offences and Child Justice Act
- Basic Computer Literacy
- Advanced Computer Literacy
- Civil Fast Track
- National Credit Act
- Train the trainer
- Protection from Harassment Act and Domestic Violence Act
- Children’s Act
- Family Court
- Criminal Court